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Giesen Estate 0% Sparkling Brut 750ml

This alcohol-removed New Zealand sparkling wine offers a sophisticated and refreshing alternative to traditional sparkling wines - without compromising on taste or quality. Fresh lemon, grapefruit, and pear make for an inviting fruit-driven aroma. A light, playful palate greets you with refreshing citrus and stone fruit, elevated by effervescence. Expect a wonderfully energetic non-alcoholic sparkling wine with a crisp, dry finish.

Lindauer Free Brut 750ml

Lindauer Free Brut is made from Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes from vineyards in Gisborne and Hawkes Bay. Fresh and vibrant, with aromas of green apples and citrus fruit. A delicate and creamy lingering finish. Gentle winemaking techniques has reduced the alcohol to no more than 0.5% ABV. It's a lighter style no matter the occasion. Enjoy the Freedom.

Lindauer Free Rosé 750ml

Lindauer Free Rosé is made predominantly from Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes from vineyards in Gisborne and Hawkes Bay. Bursting with hints of strawberries, red fruits and citrus. A lush, vibrant palate with a creamy, lingering finish. Gentle winemaking techniques has reduced the alcohol to no more than 0.5% ABV. It's a lighter style no matter the occasion. Enjoy the Freedom.

McGuigan Zero Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Generous aromas of gooseberry and citrus fruits, with a subtle grassy tone. This refreshing full flavoured Sauvignon Blanc delivers flavours of passionfruit and lime whilst finishing clean and crisp.

McGuigan Zero Shiraz 750ml

Subtle spice and vanilla notes complemented by plum and forest berry aromas. This Shiraz has a good length of flavour with sweet blackcurrants and a balanced finish.

Not Guilty Zero Alcohol Prosecco 750ml

Not Guilty prosecco will have them hopping for joy with every cork pop! Zero Alcohol & full flavoured celebrations all round.
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