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Akarua Central Otago Bannockburn Pinot Noir 750ml

The Akarua vineyard is a unique site, measuring 52 hectares, 34.5 of which planted with vines. The estate is tucked into the foothills of the mountains rising above Kawarua River upstream of Lack Dunstan, in the midst of a breathtaking landscape. Located in Bannockburn in the Central Otago region, the vineyard occupies three west-facing terraces and enjoys intense sun all year round. This outstanding terroir lends remarkable character to the Pinot Noir in a reflection of the spectacular mountains surrounding the estate. Floral and spicy, it has a nose of raspberries and blackcurrant, while the pallet derives of black cherry.

Alexandra Davishon Pinot Noir 750ml

Fragrant violet, raspberry, dried herb, spice and leather. Lovely sweet fruit entry showing ripe red and black cherry, plum, leather and a hint of vanilla. Medium bodied with excellent concentration and complexity. The tannins are very silky and they lead into a long red berry and mineral finish.

Amisfield Pinot Noir 750ml

Highly aromatic with bright cherry and redcurrant, lifted red fruits coupled with savoury spice and dried herb offer an alluring and enticing nose. The palate is elegant and refined with fruit intensity matched with a supple and silky tannin structure.

Ata Rangi Pinot Noir 750ml

Arguably New Zealand's finest Pinot Noir, certainly if track records are taken into account, Ata Rangi have been doing Pinot Noir better and for longer than anyone. An incredibly consistent wine since the early 1980s, they've had a dream run even by their lofty standards with four of the finest vintages ever in succession.

Babich Marlborough Pinot Noir 750ml

Babich were the first New Zealand company to win a Gold medal for Pinot Noir back in the early 80's. This wine is well balanced, beautifully structured and simply delicious. Aromas and flavours of bright red and black berry fruit mingling with sweet black spice-infused cherry abound. It's smooth as silk on the palate and has a lingering lip-smacking finish. Well paced and well priced Pinot.

Bannock Brae Goldfields Pinot Noir 750ml

A full and vibrant palate the wine reveals a concentrated and fruit forward core balanced by warm supportive oak and silky fine grain tannins before finishing an elegant balanced acid freshness.

C Family Wines Cherrycream Pinot Noir 750ml

California Pinot Noir develop rich cherry characteristics as a result of the warm climate, and longer ripening time on the vine. They harvest at night, then cold soak the grapes to preserve its rich berry flavours and ruby-red colour. Then it is fermented in stainless steel tanks to enhance the cherry flavours. Finally aged in oak with a mix of French, American and medium toast levels to integrate the cask aged characters for seven long months. They remain patient as they wait for this ageing process to yield their favourite elevated characteristics of cherry, strawberry, toast, vanilla, and spice.

Camshorn Pinot Noir 750ml

Camshorn Waipara Pinot Noir is a wine that certainly doesn't pull the wool over your eyes - an outstanding varietal and regional expression produced with exceptional quality.

Carrick Unravelled Pinot Noir 750ml

Uncomplicated, upfront and enjoyable. Signature black cherry fruit flavours.

Chard Farm River Run Pinot Noir 750ml

River Run is Chard Farm's Central Otago regional Pinot Noir made from grapes grown in their vineyards in different sub-regions of Central Otago. The deep alpine valleys and waterways of Central Otago have craved the land available for grape growing into quite distinct sub-regions. Each pocket of land has its own unique climate and soil mix producing quite different styles of Pinot Noir. River Run captures the character of each of the sub-regions where are vineyards are planted. Lowburn gives bright, fresh sweet fruit, Gibbston savory and herbal tones, and Parkburn brings good texture and mineral length. An expressive and complex bouquet with sweet floral notes swirling around ripe cherry and plum fruit with aromatic spice in the background. There's ample fresh fruit and velvety tannin on a palate that is elegant, satisfying and highly drinkable.

Charles Wiffen Pinot Noir 750ml

Deep brick red in colour, this wine exudes aromas of cherry, red currant, cigar box and chocolate, with hints of toasty oak. The palate exhibits similar flavours with the addition of fine tannins and liquorice, with a warm spicy finish.

Church Road Grand Reserve Pinot Noir 750ml

With grapes from the world's leading pinot noir region making a guest appearance, Church Road's award winning winemaker, Chris Scott, has hand crafted an exceptional wine that combines elegance and undeniable presence.
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