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Xanadu Vinework Shiraz 750ml

Vinework presents the opportunity to experience a seasonal voyage from the vineyard to the glass - from growth to creation. Crafted in celebration of the hours spent walking amongst the vines, watching, tending, tasting - connecting with the growers and the region's land. A medium to full-bodied generous wine with plenty of inky fruits; Blackberries, redcurrants and spice. The jubey fruits and approachable tannins combine to produce a moreish wine, supple in structure with a wonderful persistence of flavour.

Yalumba Galway Shiraz 750ml

A generous nose of pepper, blackberry, choc mocha and vanilla tones, opening further with hints of liquorice, and violets. The savoury palate shows blood plums and sweet spice leading onto soft tannins.

Yalumba Menzies Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Elegant and inviting aromas of cedar and chocolate combine beautifully with rich, ripe cassis and violets. Sublime tannins give the drinker an insight into the agebility of this wine. Excellent drinking now and it will continue to evolve and delight.

Yalumba Paradox Shiraz 750ml

Deep crimson in colour with bright, brambly, berry aromas complemented by notes of cinnamon, black olive and pepper. A vibrant palate with loads of pomegranate and blackberry, it is silky and bright with fine, powdery tannins.

Yalumba Samuel's Collection Barossa Bush Vine Grenache 750ml

The fragrance abounds with brooding plum red fruits, dark cherries and perfumed berries. The palate is richly textured, fleshy, round and supple with a red juiciness that merges into velvety tannins to finish.

Yalumba Samuel's Collection Shiraz 750ml

A moreish Barossa Shiraz that is approachable, full-bodied and fleshy. Deep and brooding with aromas of dark fruits, red spices, anise and ripe cherries, the palate flows with even texture towards a soft finish.

Yalumba Signature Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz 750ml

Aromas of red currants, perfumed cedar and complex, savoury, dried herbs. This Cabernet Shiraz blend shows precise aromatics and is classically rich through the middle palate with exotic florals, cranberry complexity with a long, flowing, precise tannin profile.

Yalumba Y Series Merlot 750ml

Strong notes of fresh, ripe figs, strawberries and boysenberries burst from the glass combined with an attractive cool mint lift. The palate is generous, round and succulent. Soft tannins glide over the mid palate which shows lovely synergy with a burst of fruit and hints of exotic spices.

Yalumba Y Series Shiraz 750ml

Cascading aromas of wild blackberries, ripe blueberries and Black Forest cake are framed by hints of Indian spices. Rich and ripe, this Y Series Shiraz is a glorious mouthfeel of South Australia with layers of ripe blackberries and Christmas cake on the palate, enveloped in soft, juicy, fully ripe tannins.

Yealands Chardonnay 750ml

Yealand's wine is inspired by the coast that surrounds them, so close to the ocean that their vines are often misted with sea spray. The beauty of their environment influences how they craft wine, respectful of nature and our land. Yealands believes in sustainable winemaking and creating thoughtfully crafted wines that work in harmony with the landscape.

Yealands Lighter in Alchohol Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Yealand's wine is inspired by the coast that surrounds them, so close to the ocean that their vines are often misted with sea spray. The beauty of their environment influences how they craft wine, respectful of nature and our land. Yealands believes in sustainable winemaking and creating thoughtfully crafted wines that work in harmony with the landscape.

Yealands Merlot 750ml

Yealand's wine is inspired by the coast that surrounds them, so close to the ocean that their vines are often misted with sea spray. The beauty of their environment influences how they craft wine, respectful of nature and our land. Yealands believes in sustainable winemaking and creating thoughtfully crafted wines that work in harmony with the landscape.
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