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Church Road 1 Single Vineyard Chardonnay 2019 750ml

This is a multidimensional Chardonnay with a core of ripe stone fruit and fragrant citrus and citrus blossom, overlaid with subtle aromas of roasted nuts, mealiness and a note of smoky gunflint. The palate is powerful, yet taught and fresh with a fine, slate like texture, great length and balanced fresh acidity. While approachable now, this wine will age positively for 15 plus years if cellared well.

Church Road Chardonnay 750ml

Found in 1897, Church Road combines traditional winemaking techniques with modern thinking and innovation to craft premium, complex wines. This creamy textured Hawke's Bay Chardonnay is unashamedly just a little bit old school. Ripe peach, tropical fruit and fragrant citrus notes are enhanced by toasty oak, wild fermentation, full malolactic and regular yeast lees string. This approach delivers layers of flavour reminiscent of toasted brioche, roasted hazelnut and sizzle butter.

Church Road Gwen Chardonnay 750ml

Aromas of fresh golden peach and vanilla, whipped cream, hazel nut and fine toasty wood scents. Youthful, familiar and inviting. A raw silk texture touches the palate first accentuated by acidity and oak then a wave of fresh fruit arrives for contrast and balance. Weighty, fresh, nutty, fruity and youthful.

Church Road McDonald Series Chardonnay 750ml

The finest free run juice was barrel fermented in predominantly older French oak to produce this finely textured, elegant Chardonnay. Vibrant citrus and stonefruit flavours are overlaid with subtle creamy oak and complexities of toasted hazelnut and brioche.

Clearview Estate Beachhead Chardonnay 750ml

Cashew nut aromatics supported by a rich, creamy viscosity & a peach stone-fruit flavour profile. A full bodied wine with amazing power.

Clearview Estate Coastal Chardonnay 750ml

Oyster shell aromatics give way to a white peach & pear flavoured profile.

Clearview Estate Reserve Chardonnay 750ml

Stylish with power & complexity, mealy with stonefruit, ripe tropical flavours & substantial body.

Clearview Estate White Caps Chardonnay 750ml

A nod to the chardonnays of the past with oak, buttery toast aromas & a peach stonefruit flavour profile.

Cloudy Bay Chardonnay 750ml

The palate is rounded in the mouth, with gentle citrus and white peach characters, enfolded in layers of crème patissière and hazelnut.

Craggy Range Single Vineyard Gimblett Gravels Chardonnay 750ml

Made from multiple parcels of Chardonnay clones planted on the stony soils within the Gimblett Gravels Vineyard, each parcel contributes a unique character to the wine. Pale lime to pale straw. Vibrant aromas of white peach flesh, freshly toasted hazelnuts and brioche. Effortlessly flavourful and balanced, with an abundance of fruit intensity and richness wrapped by a saline acid line giving vitality.

Dashwood Chardonnay 750ml

Classic Chardonnay aromatics mingle in the glass with a touch of citrus peel, ripe stone fruit and toasty oak. The palate is rich and creamy with grilled peaches, lemons and brioche through the mid palate. Fine, toasted oak and balanced acidity lead to a long and satisfying finish. Enjoy alongside creamy cheeses, BBQ chicken or a porcini risotto.

Elephant Hill Chardonnay 750ml

Classic, fresh seaside Chardonnay blended with a small portion from Elephant Hill's warmer inland vineyard adding richness. Racy and flavoursome with piercing citrus, underlying peachy ripe notes. Mouthwatering and concentrated, elegant and refined.
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