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19 Crimes Hard Chard 750ml

19 Crimes turned criminals into colonists. Upon conviction, British rogues, guilty of at least one of the 19 Crimes, were sentenced to live in Australia, rather than death. 19 Crimes Hard Chard is deep, rich and golden filled with stone fruit aromas and a sweet textured palate. The Hard Chard honours the brave contributions of the women banished to Australia with the boldest expression of Chardonnay they could make.

Askerne Hawke's Bay Chardonnay 750ml

Beautifully aromatic with sweet vanillan notes, delicate florals, scented oak spice and subtle creaminess. Complimented with aromas of quince, honeysuckle, golden peach and tropical nuances. The palate is juicy with grapefruit acidity, peach and nectarine flavours and a deliciously long finish.

B&B Big & Buttery Barrel Fermented Chardonnay 750ml

An opulent, oaky, buttery and toasty styled Chardonnay created with 100% oak barrel fermentation, 100% malolactic fermentation and oak aged in a mix of French and American oak.

Babich Hawke's Bay Chardonnay 750ml

Specially selected from two estate-owned Hawke's Bay vineyards, this unoaked Chardonnay offers a creamy palate with melon and peach flavours, without the intrusion of oak. It has a clean, dry finish.

Babich Irongate Chardonnay 750ml

Aromas of lemon curd and stone fruits with apple and cashew. A rich and driving entry with lemon and peach on display early joined by notes of sweet pastry, white stone fruits and grapefruit. Bright focus, lovely poise and very lingering finish.

Babydoll Chardonnay 750ml

Babydoll's BABYDOLL sheep live beneath the vines, nibbling on grass and weeds and giving their name to these delicious wines. Small but mighty, they're wonderful groundskeepers. Yes, they need a little help to keep the mowing going. But it's all for the good of the grapes.

Bay and Barnes Block Chardonnay 750ml

Bay and Barnes leaned on our cousins across the ditch for the grapes to make this classic Australian Chardonnay. Following harvest, fruit was gently pressed before settling. Specially selected yeasts were used to start fermentation. From there the wine was delicately matured on oak and lees stirred to impart lovely toasty flavours and a creamy texture.

Bogle California Chardonnay 750ml

Our Bogle Chardonnay is the epitome of a hand-crafted wine: with passion for both the art and science of making wine, our winemakers have created a Chardonnay using 50% barrel fermentation aged for 9 months in new American oak barrels. This wine is certified sustainable by the California Rules for Sustainable Winegrowing and proudly bears the symbol on the label.

Brookfields Bergman Chardonnay 750ml

The Bergman Chardonnay is a full bodied bold Chardonnay. Stonefruit, melon, vanilla, biscuit and elegant oak all contribute to this complex wine which is totally barrel fermented.

C Family Wines Buttercream Chardonnay 750ml

Grandma's buttercream cake with an upgrade. C Family Wines Buttercream Chardonnay displays a rich creamy texture of tropical fruit, with vanilla notes and a kiss of sweetness on the palate. Smooth and creamy with hints of vanilla and succulent pear.

Camshorn Chardonnay 750ml

Richly textured with fresh stonefruit, and citrus notes with toasty oak character to balance.

Charles Wiffen Chardonnay 750ml

This wine has enticing aromas of ripe peach, hazelnut, brioche and hints of vanillin. Ten months in a mix of new and seasoned French Oak gives a balanced and elegant palate with a soft and lingering mealy, nutty and seductive finish.
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