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Huntaway Reserve Gewürztraminer 750ml

Flavoursome and textural, with plenty of freshness that is maintained through to a long satisfying finish.

Johanneshof Marlborough Gewürztraminer 750ml

Totally seductive and delicious; the gorgeous bouquet shows mango, rockmelon, rose petal and spice aromas, leading to a concentrated palate that is plush and velvety.

Joseph Cattin Gewürztraminer 750ml

A perfumed nose with litchi and mango aromas & a delicate touch of rose water. The palate shows off ripe exotic fruits with rose flavours: well-balanced between spiciness and freshness. A long-lasting finish.

Matawhero Single Vineyard Gewürztraminer 750ml

Pale straw with hints of gold. An exotic rose petal, clove, lychee and star anise notes. Clean fruit-driven style, rich and full with lychee, Turkish delight, spice and ginger notes. A broad wine that persists well.

Seifried Nelson Gewürztraminer 750ml

The Seifried Nelson Gewurztraminer is intense and perfumed on the nose with notes of toffee apples and stem ginger. The palate is luscious with medium natural residual sweetness.
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